Our company policy is to recognise the talent of the artisans we work with and pay them a fair price for their work.
We aim to provide them with a reliable income, where the value for each product is added in Africa. A percentage of each annual profit will be allocated to projects designed to improve living standards for the weavers, carvers and their families and communities.
The materials used by the artisans in all our products are natural and sustainable. It is essential they are readily available for the weavers and carvers to be able to continue working.
Many hand crafts and skills are being lost the world over as we move deeper into the digital production age. These skills have been passed from generation to generation and we aim to help keep them alive.
From Baskets to Chairs all our products are made from natural materials including Sisal plants, Palm Frond and different native timbers. Most of the dyes are made from natural matter but some are added with synthetic dyes.
We aim to minimise our environmental impact where ever possible, from using sea freight rather than air, to using recycled materials whereever possible.
Our baskets are sourced from a range of weavers. These include women's groups, who weave to subsidise their income in the months they aren't farming, and an HIV orphanage where the women weave to support children born to mothers with HIV.
We want to provide a market for the incredibly talented artisans of Africa. And, we want o make a difference, to help improve the standard of living for the artisans and their communities through investments in education, sanitation and agricultural assistance.
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